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Sewa South Jersey - Recycled Arts & Crafts Contest


April 19, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Opportunity Timezone:



Accepting participants from New Jersey,
Multiple Drop-off Location ( Please see the contest details) ,
Multiple Cities, New Jersey,

A Recycled Arts and Crafts Contest encourages creativity and eco-awareness by challenging participants to create artwork using recycled materials. The contest promotes sustainability while showcasing innovative ways to repurpose waste into meaningful art.

This contest is open to everyone & all age groups . Participants must register & drop off their artwork at the below locations by Saturday, April 19th, 2025

- Chesterfield Township Lobby, 295 Bordentown-Chesterfield Rd, Chesterfield 

- Crosswicks Library, 483 Main St, Crosswicks, NJ 08515

- Bordentown Library,18 E Union St, Bordentown, NJ 08505

- Florence Township Municipal Office,711 Broad St, Florence, NJ 08518

Contest Rules

1. The art piece can be individual or group project

2. Each participant must submit only one artwork, whether it is a group project or individual submission.

3. The theme should relate to waste or a broader sustainability topic

4. Project Size: Max: 15"(H) × 15"(W) × 15"(D)

Judging Criteria

- Originality/Creativity

- Interpetation and clarity of waste/sustainability theme

- Material usage

The three winners will receive prize. The winners will be announced at the Chesterfield Green Fun Fair on Sunday, May 4th, 2025

Please refer the below flyer for more details.



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Thank you for expressing interest in volunteering with Isha Foundation. Volunteering opportunities are available to anyone who has completed the Inner Engineering program with Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya.
If you have not completed this requirement, you can explore and register for upcoming programs at the program website.
If you have completed this requirement, please ensure you are using the same email address you used to register for Inner Engineering. If you are still having issues registering, please contact volunteer@ishausa.org for support.

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